
A Bowl of Dalu Noodles in Chinatown, Oakland

Eating was always an exciting time when I went to Chinatown. I am not really a foodie, but I do enjoy when there are more options of familiar foods that I can choose from. One afternoon, I stepped into this “Shan Dong Mandarin Restaurant” in Oakland Chinatown. Shandong Province in China is famous for their noodles and dumplings. I was craving for some noodles. I saw “大滷麵 Dàlǔ miàn ( Dalu Noodles) ” on the menu and knew in a heartbeat that’s going to be my lunch for the day. Dalu Noodles reminded me of my college days back in Taiwan. On a chilly day, I would walk with my roommates at that time, who are still my best friends now, from the packed 6 persons dorm to a restaurant in a small alleyway called “郭家奶奶 Guō jiā nǎinai (Grandma Guo’s).” It felt so comforting after devouring a big bowl of chewy thick-cut noodles soup in which you could also taste some good amount of napa cabbage shreds, thin pork shreds, wood ears, and egg drop. It warmed up your stomach and lifted up your spirit. A f...

夏威夷州 大島 Hawaii Big Island -- 火山國家公園 Volcanoes National Park

火山國家公園(Volcanoes National Park) 位在夏威夷的大島。這個公園正如其名「火山」,而且是複數,所以裡面有不只一座火山。有死火山,休火山,甚至也有活火山!不過公園會關閉有危險的區域,所以可以不用擔心。來一趟火山國家公園可以了解各種火山相關活動,從不同角度看火山,也可以一次看個夠岩漿冷卻後的遺跡,幸運的話甚至可以在天黑時從遠處看到還是燒燙燙的岩漿。 火山國家公園裡有兩座蠻活躍的活火山, 「Kilauea」 和 「Mauna Loa」 。這次趁三月春假來走訪時,「Mauna Loa」 那區因為有火山運動並沒有開放,可惜無法看到這個據說如果從海底開始算,身高比聖母峰還高的活火山。而另一座活火山「Kilauea」上次噴發是僅僅在六年前,據說當時2018年噴發時還有地震,公園管理員也說一直到去年2023年九月還看得到一些岩漿在流動。甚至到目前還是繼續有化學物質排放出來,所以在我去的時候,沿著Kilauea的環狀步道有些地段是被封起來的,以免有毒氣體會危害到觀光客的身體。 另一個我覺得夏威夷火山國家公園的特色是,我常常搞不清楚到底哪個火山口已經看過了😂。像是我開在園區內的公路上時,看到告示牌上寫著「Pauahi Crater」,我想說我是開錯方向嗎不是剛剛才停在這個P開頭的火山口(crater)?拿出地圖仔細研究一下,原來剛剛看的火山口叫「Puhimau Crater」,拼法也太像了!公園裡的景點大部分是用當地的夏威夷文標記,而夏威夷文的特點是每個字都好長好難記,所以就會出現一些「Kukamahuakea」、「Kipukapuaulu」、「Pu'u Huluhulu」、「Pu'upua'i」等等的名字,讓我覺得頭昏眼花😵,所以記名字時真的要多用力注意一下。 我在夏威夷火山國家公園停留了三天兩夜,下面就來介紹一下我覺得很值得去體驗的火山活動。 遠眺俯瞰火山口,再踏在昔日火山口上:Kilauea Iki Trail 公園裡暫時沒有在噴發的這座「Kilauea」活火山離大門入口相當近,一進公園就會開在一條環火山口公路上(Crater Rim Drive),一路上有相當多個觀景點可以停下來看這個Kilauea火山口。 除了從各個觀景點看巨大的Kilauea火山口外 ,遊客也可以直接走下去在旁邊小一點的「Kilauea Iki」火山口...

找自己 -- My Grafting Stage 我的接枝期

The sound of cicadas and lawn mowers signals that it’s officially summer time. I thought about last year when I visited my family in Taiwan during my summer vacation and that last day when I had to take three flights back to the United States.   While the plane was traveling across the Pacific Ocean, I looked outside of the small airplane window. The clouds below me looked like an ocean made of cotton candy. Just that same morning, my phone numbers started with 0933. The app that I used the most often was called "Line." The language that I heard and spoke was 中文, Mandarin, a bit of Taiwanese, and almost zero English. The people that I interacted with are the ones that I've known for more than a decade at least. The temperature was above 35'c, or 95'F, and the humidity was, well, sweaty and sticky. "Ding." The seat-belt sign was on and the flight attendant announced that the plane was about to land. That was my signal to prepare for a different life as I ...

A morning in Chinatown, San Francisco

It was a regular Thursday morning in February. What was not regular for me was that I took some days off from work and flew from Indiana to San Francisco. I was wide awake at 5 am because technically it would have been 8 am already in Indiana. I found on Google Map this Vietnamese-owned little breakfast store that opened early in Chinatown called “Latte Express” and walked my way there.  I stepped into the store and felt a bit overwhelmed by all the different food I could order from the wall. A woman came in right after me. She got her food and walked out of the store before I could even figure out what I wanted. Some older men walked in and ordered coffee. They said hi to each other and chit chat in a dialect that sounded like Cantonese. Another woman walked in and friendly said hi to whoever was in the room. The owner greeted her by name and asked if she wanted the cinnamon roll as usual.  I probably shouldn’t expect anyone to entertain a tourist/traveler like me since it wa...


時差因素五點就起床了,青年旅館裡也有一些跟我一樣有時差的旅人,五六點就爬起床在交誼廳等七點半才開始供應的早餐。不過青年旅館的幾片乾吐司對我來說並沒什麼吸引力,等到快七點天差不多亮了,我就出發去中國城準備開始今天的探險。不愧是舊金山,短短十五分鐘的路程就爬經過了好多個陡上陡下的坡,身旁的其他路人看起來習以為常,好像只有我氣喘吁吁。 我來到了一個看似大家上班前會來買杯咖啡和早餐的地方,可能像是個中國城版本的美而美。店裡沒有網路也沒有廁所,不是個太適合好好坐下來寫文章的地方,但若要一探舊金山中國城裡的一大清早是什麼面貌,這裡有絕佳的視野。 早餐店的老闆看起來是一對父女。我點了一個可頌夾火腿蛋和一杯咖啡,但你也可以點越南長棍麵包夾肉和越式冰咖啡。店裡陸陸續續進來了一些常客,老闆娘似乎都已經知道他們會點什麼了,大家用帶有各自口音的英文交談,也有些人用聽起來像是廣東話的方言閒聊打招呼。接過了老闆娘迅速做好、熱騰騰的早餐後,大部分的人就踏向店外,這裡只是他們上班前的一個過渡站。 我坐在一個搖搖晃晃的鐵椅上,眼前的一大片窗戶面向著Kearny Street。這是條單行道但卻有四線道,算是跨經中國城的一條主要幹道。 今天是二月份一個平常的星期四。請假不用上班的我,看著熙來攘往的上班族邁著快速的步伐前進,長長的卡車停在路邊,卸貨給餐廳備料。開開停停的車潮裡不只有汽車,一起建構出這條車陣的還有公車、校車、觀光巴士、零零星星的摩托車和腳踏車,甚至有好幾台無人的自動駕駛車,也大膽的在這尖峰交通時段裡試車。 這是舊金山中國城裡的清早七八點,大家的目的地不一樣,但都不約而同、頭也不回的朝著自己的目標前進,為舊金山忙碌的一天揭開序幕。 唯一沒在趕時間的只有我、一位喃喃自語的遊民、和眼前一位推著助步器在練習走路的老奶奶,她來來回回走經過這片窗戶大概有三十次。 九點了,人行道上的人群少了拿著公事包的上班族,多了些推著嬰兒車的媽媽、拖著菜籃的長輩、和拉著行李箱的觀光客。天空的霧氣散去,陽光從露出來的藍天灑落下來。咖啡差不多喝完了,我思索著今天會有些什麼有趣的故事等著我去發掘,然後我走出這間越式早餐店,加入了人群。