#StopAsianHate 回應針對亞裔族群的仇恨犯罪


My heart goes out to the Asian families suffering from hate crimes lately. As an educator, I feel the urge to say something.  

In Asian cultures, we are taught to put the interest of the group before ourselves. So we may not be loud, but that doesn't mean we feel okay to be mistreated. 

In my Chinese I Class, I would always spend time to discuss with my students how to respect people that are from different cultures, or just people that are different from you. 

To my surprise, these 14 to 18 years olds always show me how open-minded they can be. My students came from all kinds of ethnic groups. There are local students and also exchange students from other countries. But the thing that they shared in common is that they are all willing to learn, and they are able to empathize.  

I usually showed my students a video of Asian people shared their feelings towards stereotypes against them. After watching the video, I would ask them the following 5 questions: 

a. How do you feel when you heard them sharing those experiences?  

b. Why is it bad if we only judge other people based on stereotypes?   

c. When first arriving at Mt. Vernon, Lin Laoshi heard multiple students yelling "ching ching chong chong" when walking past my classroom. What are some better words (at least with real meaning) that you can say when first meeting some Chinese speaking people?  

d. When have you ever felt like you were the minority in some certain groups? How did you feel?  

e. What are some good ways that you can try to interact with people that are different from you? 

Below are some of my students' response. I felt really proud of them when I read their writing, so here I will share some: 










Any stereotypes, or racism, in my opinion, stem from the lack of understanding. I hope this post will encourage people to share more love and kindness towards each other. I see my teenage students capable of showing love and empathy, so I hope this will inspire more people to do so. Let us all be open-minded to understand and learn from each other. 




美國高中 -- 如何懲處學生?
