Angel Island

The minute that I boarded the ferry, it started to move away from the pier at San Francisco. It’s 9:25 in the morning. I felt relieved and was amazed by how punctual the ferry company sticks to their schedule. The skyline of San Francisco turned smaller and smaller to the point that it could almost fit within my palm. I walked to the opposite direction on the ferry and tried to spot the destination of my adventure today, Angel Island. The ferry passed the Alcatraz, and the next thing came into sight was Angel Island. The island looked quite lush in July with many trees and a couple of buildings here and there. I wondered, a century ago, what was on those Chinese immigrants’ minds when they saw Angel Island greeting them as their entrance point to the United States after crossing the Pacific Ocean. Unlike Ellis Island serving as the gate on the East Coast that welcomed immigrants from Europe, back in 1910 when the Chinese Exclusion Act was in effect, Angel Island was the plac...