找自己 -- Me, My Tent, and I

Never had I ever thought that I would have gone camping alone in a desert for two nights.

Just by myself? No way. That’s too hard. I am not strong enough.

I’m not fun enough. I need a funny partner who can make me laugh.

I’m not spontaneous enough. I need a partner who is a free spirit to bring me out of my comfort zones.

I’m just not capable enough. So I need whoever or I won’t be able to survive in this world as a single woman.

But I did it.

The desert at night time was so calming. I listened to the wind and the bugs, as if they were trying to catch up. That sunrise was surreal. I had to hold my breath and not blink just not to miss any second.

I listened to the desert, listened to this quiet land, and listened to myself. With all the alone time that I had during these solo trips, I listened to my inner voice. I started to realize that I am fun enough to make myself happy, and that I am adventurous enough to make these adventures happen. I finally began to believe in myself. Little by little, that, maybe just me being me, is enough.

And I believe you being you, is enough.

Do you believe it?





美國高中 -- 如何懲處學生?
